多くの方が既に見られたかもしれませんが、2月14日にNintendo Directが公開されました。その中から自分が気になった情報を書きたいと思います。
Many may have already been seen, but Nintendo Direct was released on February 14th. I think that I want to write information that I was concerned from among them.
Tetris who everyone knows about playing video games is a ridiculous game of doing a fashionable battle royal now.
(Online members only) It is also a good point to download free. Since 99 players are needed for the match, 99 games can not be played unless they are connected at the same time. I think that the purpose is to increase the total number of players so that matching waiting time is reduced.
I tried to play myself, but unfortunately I could not get the 1st place. Tetris seems to be a deep game where players’ abilities are tested because of simple rules. Since famous players were musing on YouTube, I put it on.
②ゼルダの伝説 夢をみる島
Nintendo Switchと同時発売のゼルダの伝説ブレスオブザワイルドのシリーズの過去作リメイクですね。1993年にゲームボーイ用ソフトとして発売されました。
It is a past remake of the series of Zelda’s Blessess of the Wilds released simultaneously with Nintendo Switch. It was released as software for Game Boy in 1993.
When I look at PV, it looks like a toy doll. Originally it is a 2D game, so I think that it is better than a 3D open world like Bresha the Wild. Most cute.
It is a game before “Reviewing the norm of Zelda”, so maybe you will feel different from people who started with Breath of the Wild. I also want you to experience “the norm of Zelda” by all means.
全体として任天堂以外のゲームが多く紹介されていたように思います。ただ、Nintendo SwitchはPS4やパソコンに比べてハード性能が低いのですが、「グラフィックを綺麗にし過ぎない」調整が不十分な印象をうけました。オクトパストラベラーのHD-2Dや、夢を見る島の人形風なグラフィックがNintendo Switchに向いているのではないでしょうか。
I think that many games other than Nintendo were introduced as a whole. However, although Nintendo Switch has lower hardware performance than PS 4 and PC, I got the impression that the adjustment “not too beautiful graphic” is inadequate. I think that the “OTOPATH TRAVELER” HD-2D and the doll-like graphics of a “夢をみる島” are suitable for the Nintendo Switch.
That’s it. Thank you very much for seeing usa son.