
There was a report from JAXA that the asteroid explorer “Hayabusa 2” succeeded in landing on the asteroid Ryugu aimed at.
YouTube lists the situation just after landing so link it.
The schedule of “Hayabusa 2” project is summarized as follows.
- 2014/12/3 打ち上げ(H-ⅡAロケット26号)
- 2018/6/27 小惑星リュウグウ上空に到着
- 2018/9/21 探査ローバーミネルバⅡを投下成功
- 2018/10/3 小型着陸機MASCOTの投下成功
- 2019/2/22 はやぶさ2の着地・資料回収成功 ←NEW
- 2019/11~12 地球に向けて出発(予定)
- 2020/末頃 地球に帰還(予定)
I remember “Hayabusa” is the Earth return scene of Unit 1 of 2010. The main body itself burned out because there was no ability to enter the atmosphere, but only capsules containing samples could be delivered to the earth. From the capsule, 1,500 particles collected in the asteroid Itokawa were recovered.
The purpose of collecting samples of “Hayabusa 2” is to analyze the planetary birth mechanism by component confirmation of asteroids. As an attempt to know how the earth was born, I get a bitter impression, but as I am traveling from the earth and just returning, I feel excited and I can not stop exciting.