
Since Interstellar published in 2014 was registered in AmazonPrime, I tried it. I was interested in searching for new planets and keywords such as the crisis of extinction of human beings from before.
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日本人の考えるSF / Japanese thinking SF
本来のSFの用語としての意味はScience Fictionであり「科学的な空想にもとづいたフィクション」なのですが、ドラえもんで育った日本人としては藤子・F・不二雄先生の提唱する「少し不思議」の方が馴染み深い。「ありふれた日常の中に紛れ込む非日常的な事象」のことを「少し不思議」としているのだけれど、ドラえもんのような「違うけれどありえそうで良いな」という空想を楽しむジャンルになっている。この「少し不思議」の部分は科学的な説明がされなくても許されていて、その代りに他の部分は「日常」という証明された世界が求められています。
The meaning of the original SF as a term is Science Fiction, which is “fiction based on scientific imagination”, but as a Japanese who grew up with Doraemon, “a little wonder(Sukosi Fusigi)” advocated by Professor Fujio F · Fujio He is familiar. It is a little bit wonderful about “extraordinary phenomenon to be missed in ordinary everyday life”, but it is a genre that enjoys the fantasy of “like being Doraemon, though it seems to be possible but it seems likely to be possible.” This “little wonder” part is permitted even if scientific explanation is not made, instead the other part is required a proven world of “everyday”.
インターステラーはSFか? / Is Interstellar SF?
インターステラーは正当なSF(Science Fiction)として制作されていると考えて問題ないだろう。異常気象によって滅亡の危機が迫った地球という設定で、移住の出来る惑星を探しに行く物語というのはSF(Science Fiction)で問題ない。劇中では「高重力化では時間の流れが遅くなる」という相対性理論によって、地球に残された家族と惑星探査に向かった主人公の間の時間の流れに差を付けることで物語を感動させるよう展開しています。
There is no problem if you think that Interstellar is being produced as a valid SF (Science Fiction). SF (Science Fiction) does not have a problem in the story of searching for a planet that can migrate with the setting called the Earth in which the crisis of extinction is approaching by extraordinary weather. In the play, by relativity theory that the flow of time slows with high gravity, the story is impressed by making a difference in the flow of time between the family left on the earth and the protagonist towards the exploration of the planet We are deploying it.
However, I felt that the mysterious events that occurred in the beginning of the story were not adequately explained. Although the existence of the mystery “them” interfere and the story explains that “they” were “we”, I do not think that the occurrence of the wormhole and the explanation of the existence of 5 dimensions are not attached . There seems to be some people who feel that this part is a “fantasy work” felt as if the “deus ex machina” led the resolution of the story.
Inside of me SF is a thought rooted in “a little wonder”, so it may be wrong from the original definition, but the existence of “them” can not explain “a little wonder” in this work It is taken as part. So I think that this work is SF.
余談:日本人の好きな「ウラシマ効果」 / Aside: Japanese favorite "Urashima effect"
In the play, the difference in flow of time due to high gravity is expressed, but “Urashima effect” is associated with seeing this. “Urashima effect” is “an exercise at a speed close to the speed of light” it is an effect that slows the flow of time so it is different from things in the play, but it was said that 100 years had passed when I went back to space I think that there are many people who recall Taro Urasima.
Explaining Urashima Taro with “Urushima Effect”, was the bullyed bully a supernatural that could actually move at the speed of light? ! It will be an interesting story. Children who can challenge the turtle who is supernatant, Taro Urashima stronger than children Taro Urashima, the strongest existence of Otohime who drives Urashima Taro to the edge of death by the ballads box. It is interesting that it feels exactly SF.