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漫画「MF GHOST」5巻購入 / ”MF GHOST” Vol.5 purchase

time 2019/05/08

漫画「MF GHOST」5巻購入 / ”MF GHOST” Vol.5 purchase

「頭文字D」から続く公道レース漫画「MF GHOST」の5巻が発売されました。相変わらず絵は上手くならないですねw

「MF GHOST」ではTOYOTAの新型86が主人公車になっています。「頭文字D」のパンダトレノと比べると可愛げが無いデザインなのは残念ですが、レースで競う他の車と比べてパワーが足りないのは同じなのでドライビングテクニックで勝負する辺りが主人公車らしくて良いです。豆腐屋のステッカーとか貼って欲しいなと思うのは私だけじゃ無い筈。

トレノの紹介記事:トヨタ AE86トレノが神格化されるワケとは?|現役ハチロク乗りの”ハチロク”語り ACT1





Five volumes of public road racing manga “MF GHOST” continued from “Initial D” were released. As usual, the picture doesn’t work well.

The “MF GHOST” is the new TOYOTA 86, the main car. It is disappointing that the design has no cuteness compared to the Panda Trueno of “Initial D”, but the power is not the same as other cars competing in the race, so it is good to be like the main car in the driving technique area is. It is not only me that I want you to put a sticker on a tofu shop.

The first race is over with volumes 1 to 4, and the main character is aiming to strengthen 86. The priority is not to raise the bottom of the power, but to strengthen the underbody, but the reasoning around here is not understood because it is not familiar with cars and races. In order to drive a car, it is all about transferring power from the tires to the road surface, so it will be reinforced from under the foot. What I was interested in reading is that “the lower corner cars like the 86 do not step on the brakes”. It means that you can pass through the corners without slowing down with the brakes because there is not enough power and you can not get too fast, but you can reduce the wear of the brakes and tires by that much and the low power of 86 like in public roads I thought that the car would be advantageous.

In the United Kingdom, I do not use an umbrella. The main character is from England so he is getting wet without putting an umbrella. It looks like it’s true if I search. It is said that there is no custom of carrying an umbrella because the rainfall is also low.

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