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マンガ紹介 「シュナの旅」 フルカラーで描かれる過酷な旅の物語 / ”The journey of Shuna” The story of a harsh journey drawn in full color

time 2019/05/14

マンガ紹介 「シュナの旅」 フルカラーで描かれる過酷な旅の物語 / ”The journey of Shuna” The story of a harsh journey drawn in full color

いつ買ったのかも忘れてしまいましたが部屋を片付けていたら出てきたこの本。アニメージュ文庫 定価448円+税 「シュナの旅」 著者はジブリ作品で有名な宮崎駿氏です。この本は全ページがフルカラーで描かれており、色により場面の印象を強化する演出がされています。演出の専門的なことは解りませんが、フルカラーで448円は安いです。

I forgot when I bought it, but this book came out when I cleaned the room.

Animage paperback Fixed price 448 yen + tax “The journey of Shuna” Author is Miyazaki Hayao who is famous for Ghibli works. In this book, all pages are drawn in full color, and it is directed to enhance the impression of the scene by the color. I do not know the specialization of directing, but 448 yen is cheap in full color.

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内容と見どころ / Contents and highlights




It is a story where the protagonist “shuna”, who is the prince of a poor country, travels for the golden grain for the country. It seems to be a story drawn based on the actual Tibetan folklore. If you look at the illustration, it is a character, a costume, a style of a building similar to “Nausicaa of the valley of the wind”, but there is no story-like relationship.

In this journey the state of the devastated world is drawn from beginning to end. The composition of many people who are desperate to live in a harsh world and some of them are the same as today. “Shuna” serves the purpose at the end of a tough journey, but for that it will pay a price. It will be a royal road development that can be helped by the girl who helped in the middle of the trip, but I think that if you think of the harshness of the trip, I can say that it is a moving story.

And the mysterious animal (deer?) ”Yakkuru” is cute. This is a great heroine, not to mention an excellent heroine. “Yakkuru” cute. It has nothing to do with ”Princess Mononoke”.

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