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全知ドラフト(ドミナリア)が面白い / Omniscience Draft(DOMINARIA) is interesting

time 2019/03/10

全知ドラフト(ドミナリア)が面白い / Omniscience Draft(DOMINARIA) is interesting

MTGアリーナで2019/3/11 24:00までプレイできる全知ドラフトを試してみたので所感を少し書きたいと思います。参加には5000ゴールドか750ジェムが必要です。(私は無課金のカジュアルプレイヤーなので対したことは書けないですが)

I tried the OMNISCIENCE draft which I can play at MTG Arena 2019/3/11 until 24:00, so I would like to write a bit of an impression. To participate you need 5000 gold or 750 gems. (I can not write what I did to it because I am a non-charged casual player)

全知ドラフトルール/OMNISCIENCE DRAFT rule(MTGアリーナより引用)


In Omniscience Draft, draft three packs and keep the cards you draft, but with a twist:You don’t have to pay the mana cost for spells you cast! No need to put lands in your deck. You’ll also get one mana of each color each turn to use for abilities, and every player starts with three cards in their hand instead of seven.



Anyway draw cards are strong. Of course cards with more cards are strong, so it’s strong as you can turn cards with cards that do not care about can trips.

陰謀団の聖騎士/Cabal Paladin が強いです。コイロスの守護者/Guardians of Koilosが2枚あれば無限ダメージなんですが、無くても歴史的な呪文は沢山取れるので十分強いです。ちなみに画像は誤訳で、「2点」のダメージを与えるが正しいです。

Cabal Paladin is strong. If there are two guardians of Koilos of Koiros it is infinite damage, but if you do not have it, historical spells can be taken so much strong enough. 

血の炎、ガルナ/Garna, the Bloodflameが初手にあるとヤバいですね。「他のクリーチャーは速攻を持つ」の能力で1ターンキルをされました。

It is dangerous if there is blood flame, Garna / Garna, the Bloodflame at the beginning. “Other creatures have a haste” ability was turned one turn.

茨の精霊/Thorn ElementalはP/Tが高いだけでなく、ダメージが直接当てれるのが強いです。これで2回負けました。酷役の歩哨/Drudge Sentinelは無限ブロッカーです。こちらのファッティーを止められて歯痒い思いをさせられました。

Thorn Elemental is not only high P / T, it is strong that damage is applied directly. I lost it twice. Drudge Sentinel is an infinite blocker. I was caught having a dull, stopped this Fatty.

ギックスの信奉者、ローナ/Rona, Disciple of Gixは要注意のクリーチャーです。追放する能力でアドバンテージだと喜んでいたのですが、追放されたカードを「唱える」能力なのに0マナで唱えることができません。能力起動用の5マナでしか唱えることが出来ないので、6マナ以上のカードが追放されたら唱えられません。(バグでしょうか?)

Rona, Disciple of Gix are cautionary creatures. I was pleased that the ability to expel was advantageous, but I can not cast it in 0 mana though I have the ability to “cast” the exiled card. Because you can only cast with ability to activate 5 mana, you can not cast if more than 6 mana cards are expelled. Is it a bug?

全知ドラフト初挑戦では陰謀団の聖騎士/Cabel Paladinが活躍してくれて4勝3敗でした。普段とは違うカードが強くて新鮮で楽しい体験でした。


In the Omniscience draft first challenge, Cabel Paladin was active and won 4 wins and 3 losses.It was a strong, fresh and fun experience with a different card than usual.

However, it is a pity that card accounts will not increase, as Manacost gathers only cards that do not usually use extensively in the draft.

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