
- 講習を受けたけど新しい免許証を受け取るのを忘れてそのまま帰っちゃう人がたまにいる。車で来ていた場合は無免許運転(免許不携帯か?)でアウト。
- 講習の時間中ずっとスマホで遊んでいる人がたまにいる。「スマホ」ってところが新しいなと思いましたが、授業中にジャンプ読んでたりPSPで遊んでる奴が居たなと思い出す。
- あおり運転の注意喚起。場合によっては暴行罪になるそうです。
- 高齢者を中心に運転免許証の「返納制度」が有る。その場合、「運転経歴証明証」が貰えて身分証明に使える。
- 75歳以上の免許更新に「認知機能検査」が追加されたそうです。検査予約待ちが多いので、対象者は早めに受けに行ってくださいとのこと。(平成29年3月12日施行)
- 免許区分に18歳以上で取得可能で最大積載量4.5トンまで運転できる「準中型」が新設された。今までの制度だと20歳以上でないと駄目だったので高卒で就職する場合に障害になっていたそうです。(平成29年3月12日施行)
I have received a course on renewal of automobile license. I asked for a picture book, but I will read it lightly and keep it.
An interesting story I heard in the course
- There are occasional people who have taken classes but forgot to receive a new license and just leave. If you are coming by car, go out with unlicensed driving (no license?).
- There are occasional people playing with smartphones throughout the course of the course. I thought that “smartphone” was new, but I remember that there were people reading jumps and playing PSPs in class.
- Alerting of aberrant driving. In some cases it is likely to be a crime of assault.
- There is a “return system” for driver’s licenses, mainly for elderly people. In that case, the driver’s driving history certificate can be used for identification.
Major Changes in the Last Five Years (Since the Last Update)
- It is said that “cognitive function test” was added to license renewal of 75 years old or older. Because there are a lot of examination reservation waiting, subject person please go to reception early. (March 12, 2017 enforcement)
- In the license category, a “mid-sized” that can be acquired over the age of 18 and can operate up to a maximum capacity of 4.5 tons has been newly established. Under the current system, it was not good to be 20 years old or older, so it was said that it was an obstacle to getting a job at high school. (March 12, 2017 enforcement)
Both major changes are a little bit confusing.