
BeatSaberというVR音楽ゲームを御存じでしょうか。体感系の音楽ゲームをVR(Virtual Reality)で楽しむという物なのですが、これがまた面白いかつ運動になるゲームなのです。
実際のゲーム内容は動画を見て頂くのが 解りやすいと思いますので添付しておきます。動画は私がYouTubeに投稿したものになります。動画投稿は初心者のため、演出も入っていませんし画質も残念なことになっていますがご了承ください。
Do you know a VR music game called BeatSaber? It is a thing to enjoy the sensory music game with VR (Virtual Reality), but this is also an interesting and exercise game.
I think that it is easy to understand that actually watching the video content of the game content is attached. The video will be what I posted on YouTube. Video posting is for beginners, directing is not included, and picture quality is also disappointing but please understand.
Supplement: In the movie, I shoot from the character’s diagonally above (third person viewpoint), but the player is looking at the character’s eyes (first person viewpoint) and playing it.
It is a game that cuts with a saver that has a block that moves from the front according to music in hand. I think that I will understand if you can see it, you will be swinging your hands at a fast pace. This is a great exercise. As a life that lets you do exercise while playing games, it has become a game that does not have any more.
This time the movie will be a movie when BeatSaber can clear the suite “Nico Nico Video” for the first time. Since I think that I will write an article if new songs can be cleared in the future, I would appreciate your favor.